The terms of use of culture4life GmbH change and replace the existing terms of use on 28.11.2022. The new terms of use for the luca app and web app are available here.
To help you understand the changes, we’ve created a transparent summary here.
Basically, we assume that contact tracking is no longer needed. Therefore, we have already deactivated the services for this for some time and deleted all data in this regard. Meanwhile, the luca app offers new services, which we list and describe in Section 1.3. Due to the new services as well as the restructuring of the terms of use, the numbers and headings of the sections have additionally changed.
Details of the changes made:
Change: We have made minor adjustments to the linguistic formulations for better readability
Change: In section 1.1 the address of culture4life GmbH was changed.
Removed: In section 1.1 and section 1.2 (old), all contact tracking content has been removed.
New: In section 1.2 (new), reference has now been made to the website and the FAQ section for an overview of the luca app services.
New: In section 1.3 (new), the existing and new functions of the luca app have been clearly described.
New: In section 1.4 (new) – reference to the privacy policy as providing the details of the functions.
Number changed: Section 1.3 (old) is now Section 1.5 (new) and Section 1.4 (old) is now Section 1.6 (new).
Change: In section 3.1 the services (a), (b) and (c) removed. Reference is now made to section 1.3.
Change: In section 4.2, the sentence regarding the procurement of the key fob has been removed.
New: Section 5 – Special provisions for digital payments with luca.
New: Section 6 – Special provisions for the luca loyalty program.
Number changed: Section 5 Term | Termination (old) is now Section 7 (new).
Change: In section 7.2 (new), the details on contact tracking retention periods have been replaced with a reference to the privacy policy.
Number changed: Section 6 Property Rights (old) is now Section 8 (new) and Section 7 Data Protection (old) is now Section 9 (new).
Amendment: In section 9.1 (new), the sentence on data protection compliance has been expanded.
Numbers changed: Section 8 Limitation of Liability (old) is now Section 10 (new). Further: 8.6 (old) = 10.4 (new); 8.7 (old) = 10.5 (new); 8.8 (old) = 10.6 (new); 8.9 (old) = 10.7 (new).
Removed: Sections 8.4 (old) and 8.5 (old) have been removed (Topic: Contact Tracking).
Amendment: In sections 10.3 and 10.7 (new), the paragraphs have been adjusted.
Number changed: Section 9 Full Agreement (old) is now Section 11 (new).
Amendment: In section 11.3 (new), the figure has been adjusted.
Removed: In section 11.4 (new) the following sentence was removed: “Due to the technical encryption of the user data, there is no possibility for luca to contact the user:in directly in advance of the change.”
Change: In section 11.4 (new), the duration for announcements of changes to the terms of use has been changed from 6 weeks to 8 weeks.
Number changed: Section 10 Governing Law (old) is now Section 12 (new).
Change: The registered data on the place of jurisdiction and commercial register entry have been updated.
culture4life GmbH
Stuttgart Local Court, Germany, HRB 784499