The terms of use of culture4life GmbH change and replace the existing terms of use on 05.10.2022. The new terms of use are available at the following link.
In order to give you an understanding of the changes without “legalese”, we have created an easy-to-understand summary for you here.
We have made the following changes:
Supplement: Section 1.1 and Section 3.1
The section has been expanded to include the functions reservations and payment by luca Pay.
New: Section 4.9
luca is entitled to list the user:s after their consent for the provision of the function “Discovery” under participating locations with the address.
New: Section 8.6
luca is not liable for the proper performance of reservation or payment services.
Changeover company headquarters to:
culture4life GmbH
Stuttgart Local Court, Germany, HRB 78503